Business man, woman, sex trafficking little girl

David Wills and Maria Losoya

CORPUS CHRISTI, Texas – A Southeast Texas businessman was convicted in federal court Tuesday of sex trafficking of a minor female and other related charges.

This investigation was conducted by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement’s (ICE) Homeland Security Investigations (HSI), the Brownsville (Texas) Police Department and the Texas Rangers, with assistance from the FBI.

David Wills, 67, the founder and part-owner of Global Blue Technologies in Taft, Texas, was convicted Oct. 8 of one count of conspiracy to commit sex trafficking, seven counts of sex trafficking, seven counts of coercion/enticement, one count of attempted coercion/enticement and one count of conspiracy to obstruct justice.

The jury heard that from 2012 to 2015, the aquaculture company owner conspired with Maria Losoya and trafficked a young girl beginning when she was only 10 years of age. Losoya and Wills used their cell phones to arrange meetings at several different locations where Wills would sexually assault the victim. These included multiple Wills’ residences as well as Losoya’s in Brownsville and hotels and motels in the greater Corpus Christi area.

The jury heard testimony that Wills promised to pay for the victim’s college tuition if Losoya allowed him to sexually assault the young girl. Wills also reimbursed Losoya for gifts to the victim and expenditures she would otherwise not have been able to afford. These included an iPad, Bose headphones, a flat-screen TV, an Apple laptop, a trampoline, a swimming pool, and a school trip to Washington D.C.

Wills sexually assaulted the minor female multiple times until she reported it in April 2015.

Losoya pleaded guilty in 2017 and testified at Wills’ trial.

The jury also heard from the forensic interviewer who first interviewed the victim about the sexual assaults, the nurse who first examined her, several state and federal law enforcement officers and an expert witness who testified about Wills’ and Losoya’s cell-site information. An eyewitness also described seeing the victim at a Portland hotel where Wills and Losoya met on March 2014.

In addition, the jury heard from Wills’ former personal assistant who testified he asked her to hand over a personal computer on the day of the victim’s outcry. He later admitted it was destroyed to prevent law enforcement from seizing and reviewing it.

Wills, who had a total of 12 attorneys representing him at trial, attempted to convince the jury that Losoya only wanted more money and tried to refute cell-site location data as well as the nurse’s testimony. They also criticized the victim’s previous statements. Wills took the stand and admitted having an affair with Losoya, but denied any sexual involvement with the victim.

The jury heard from multiple defense witnesses attesting to the defendant’s character and successes while attempting to contradict testimony Losoya and the victim gave.

Wills was taken into custody, having previously been released on bond, following the verdict where he will remain pending sentencing, which will be set at a later date. Wills faces up to life in prison. There is no parole in the federal prison system.

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